Saturday, November 3, 2007

Talk of the Future

Using a supply wagon captured from Shambray's retreating forces the companions sit down to discuss their goals. Errandis is sitting on the wagons tail gate, feet dangling off the end, and absent minded strumming a tune on his lute. Silvery shadows dance at his feet.

Errandis - Well done my friends. I would like to thank all of you for saving me back there. Master Kraypike sir, let it not be said that your mantra is without warrant. ("Any problem can be solved with the correct application of Elementals"). Master Rene your sword work was incredible. Mistress Arteasian I have rarely had such good support in a battle. Master Ismael, thank you for the exhumation ;) . Master Dain, you are a terrifying engine of destruction. Master Fingolfin, you Sir have more trick up your sleeves than a Tredroyan Master Thief.

Ismael - I resent that remark. I intend him no disrespect in saying so, but Master Fingolfin *is* one of the tricks I keep up my sleeve.

Fingolfin - You know, I don't know the Anglish underworld and street slang very well, but from what I've gathered I would like to emphasize strongly that I am not and have no plans on becoming, a "trick". As to the tricks up my sleeves--I just learned that Panic spell a few weeks ago. I thought it might come in handy sometime. Don't emphasize it talking to the locals, though--I hear the Megalosians have banned most mind magics.

Kraypike - Don't worry Fingolfin, if you were *that* kind of "trick", he'd keep you in his pants, not his sleeve. His pants aren't roomy enough.

Kraypike then reaches into his pants, pulls out an enormous garlic sausage, and proceeds to munch away, demonstrating the uses of roomy pants.

Errandis -One of the reasons I asked you here was to discuss what WE should do next. So please speak up. For myself, I am Duty bound to protect and defend Countess Lavalee, Honour bound to support Count Almwich, and personal vested interest in preserving the Megalosian Empire.

Fingolfin - I must admit I could care very little less about the Megalosian Empire, have no real ties to Countess Lavallee, and am confident that Count Alnwick can take care of himself. But if Errandis says it's important I'll trust him. I do hope we can discharge this obligation relatively quickly, though--I have the feeling that the troubles of empires do not generally just end; we could be stuck with it for a very long time if we start down the path of thinking the welfare of a human empire is somehow our responsibility as elves and Tredroyites and Aralaise and Dwarves. I think the only person here with much vested interest in who the Emperor is, would be Kraypike. Luckily, Errandis says if we can help solve this current campaign in the southeast chunk, reducing the field basically to a one-on-one battle of claimants with ours holding the heartland, that should be sufficient.

Kraypike - Hey, I'm up for a little more mischeif here, but Fingolfin is completely correct about the unbounded nature of protecting the whole Empire. Like he said, Lavalle and Alnwick aren't in immediate peril. When they are, they know how to reach us. My interests in who'se the Emperor, don't need immediate tending by us after that.

Ismael - I suppose that dealing with Ekhans would be the easiest way to contribute to the civil war, unless Alnwick or Lavellée were directly threatened. So why not just do that, now we're here?

Errandis - Afterwards I plan to go to the Sea Elf Community under the sea. There is some internal strife there and an ongoing conflict with the Fish Men. Then the Black Woods calls. The Horror's Minions must be stopped.

Kraypike - Sounds like fun! After that could we head for the Djinn lands? I'd like to check out the interesting magic there and I'm sure that Cat would be up for investigating their connections with the Orclands. They were selling humans (slaves, I think) as breeding stock to the Orcs, remember? Who wants to get a war going between the Orcs and the Djinn? It would be suitably ironic payback, don't you think?

Fingolfin - I've been hearing a bit about these elves. I am worried about them, although their problems have been brewing a long time. Certainly it seems they were mightier once. I'm worried about the Dwarves, too, though. The fact of the matter is that orcs breed much faster than dwarves, and as long as they have a unified kingdom just below stairs, as it were, western Zarak is in

Ismael - Direct confrontation with the forces of Tsunnucann is an imperative goal, necessary to the preservation of the world. Unless these are the End Times, in which case it doesn't matter and we should just look to our own souls in preparation for the Final War of Judgment. Now... in which sea do these elves live, exactly?

Errandis - What say you?

Kraypike - I say there should be a way to use Errandis' Harlots against Ekhans. They won't be any use against the fishmen, and I don't think Cat would approve of taking them to the Djinn lands as Orc barter. Hey! Who'se going to supply the swimming and waterbreathing magic items we'll need? It may take a while to line them up, better get that underway while we're working the current problem with Ekhans and the Harlots.

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