Saturday, November 3, 2007

Errandis's Jorunal - 2007-06-08

Errandis's Jorunal - 2007-06-08
Cast of Characters:
Ismael (Jonathon) - A male Human Rogue, Warrior, & Wizard.
Dain (Brian) - A male Dwarf Warrior.
Artesian (Chona) - A female mountain Elf Wizard.
Kraypike (Darryl) - A male Goblin Wizard.
Rene (Glenn) - A male Human Warrior.
Fingolfin (Rufus) - A male Wood Elf Wizard.
Errandis (Eddie) - A male Wood Elf Warrior and Wizard. Knight Bachelour of Lavalee.

Game Master:
Rufus - GMing
Darryl -
Eddie -

Castle Insanius (Harlech/Thunderdrome), Duchy of Serrun, Empire of Megalos
Telperion (Sterling Wood), Kingdom of Caithness

The Story Continues...
I bid my friends good bye and Teleport to Telperion (Sterling Wood) in Caithness and make arrangements to recharge my Powerstones under the Malorn tree's branches which is a very high mana zone greatly reduce the time required to recharge them.

After resting, I Teleport back to Serrun in secret. I scout the investment looking for weaknesses and surprises, gather intelligence on Rebel Forces, and undermine their moral. Spreading rumour, propaganda, and sabotauging their trust in one another.

On the third day Fingolfin is kidnapped by an infiltrator capable of Suspending Enchantments, Illusion Disguises and avoiding detection, The Companions discover Fingolfin missing on day four. They contact me using an enchanted item and notify me of the situation. I cast Communicate with Kraypike and tell them that something has come up in the Lebethron (Black Woods) and I will be delayed.

The whole time I am subtly trying to signal that our conversation is being listened in on.

One of Kraypikes Air Elementals catches on and points out the presence of an invisible Wizard in the room. Panamonium insues, but the Wizard escapes. Later that day they find a note in our room.

The Rebel Forces are holding Fingolfin hostage for my good behaviour. Fortunately they do not know if they have communicated this to me. This gives us a subtle tactical advantage. Kraypike wants to go right now, but I caution them. Gather some intelligence, find Fingolfin, and confirm his presence.

The Companions use their resources to locate Fingolfin and devise a plan. My part in it is purely transportation, but I plan to have a surprise of my own in reserve.

Time will tell if we made the right descision.

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