Saturday, November 3, 2007

Errandis's Journal - 2007-08-03

Errandis's Journal - 2007-08-03

Cast of Characters:
Ismael (Jonathon) - A male Human Rogue, Warrior, & Wizard.
Dain (Brian) - A male Dwarf Warrior.
Artesian (Chona) - A female mountain Elf Wizard.
Kraypike (Darryl) - A male Goblin Wizard.
Rene (Glenn) - A male Human Warrior.
Fingolfin (Rufus) - A male Wood Elf Wizard.
Errandis (Eddie) - A male Wood Elf Warrior and Wizard. Knight Bachelor of Lavalee.

Castle of Baron Insanus, Duchy of Serrun.
Encampment of Count Sergius of Shambray

The Story Continues... REAP THE WHIRLWIND!!! (Part 2):
The Count's Wizards turned their full attention upon me and the Legionnaire's upon the Companions. I marked two Wizards for special attention and then continued to strike out at targets of opportunity.

The Companions cut through the Legionnaire's with skill, power, and in Rene's case grace. Kraypike's Halberd shot a Flame Jet from one end and Lightning crackled from the other. Ismael plucked his Main Gauche from the air and laid into the enemy. Fingolfin raged at his enemies and Arteasian engaged a confused Legionnaire who had unintentionally ended up in our rear, but alone.

Fingolfin seemed to snap out of his rage and cast a spell that sent half the remaining Legionaries fleeing in panic. The Count's Wizards took their toll on me and I was only saved by the Eternal's Grace. Then the Teleport Shield went up. What unfolded is one of the most disparate battles of my life. Never before have I face such magical opposition concentrated on one spot. Slowly we lessened their numbers and fought to restore out battle lines when everything went blank.

Ismael captured the Inquisitor with Apportation saying "You Faith disturbs me Inquisitor" and Fingolfin screamed "He's mine". Then ran over and hacked his torturer to death. A Lightning Bolt grazed him and sparks covered him, but was unaffected. ("There can be only one quickening")

I learned later that one of the Wizard's finally managed to entomb me. Then Ismael was struck a vicious blow and left stunned. Kraypike almost fell to the combined assault of four Legionaries, and Dain was slowed by the sheer press of our foes. Our lives balanced on a razors edge.

But, the eternal has other plans for her Champions and the tide turned.

Artesaian healed Ismael and Kraypike shook it of and returned to the fight. Our battle line was almost complete when an Invisible Wizard turned a Legionnaire Invisible and dooming Fingolfin, but for my forethought. Dain and Ismael could see them. Dain's axe cleaved the life from the Invisible Legionnaire and the Invisible Wizard fled in panic.

Ismael concentrated and reached forth his staff, reversing the entombment, and suddenly I was back. The remaining Wizard's expressed frustration and I sent my jailer crashing down the stairs, sprawling at his fellows feet. Our attacks became more coordinated and theirs less. Until finally we laid low the formidable church Wizard.

We were left with a half dozen Legionaries in front of use and two Wizards trapped between us.

The Good:
Experience Awarded: 3xp

The Bad:
My arrogance almost got us all killed.

The Ugly:
The Count's Men were formidable adversaries, and we succeeded only because of quick wits, necessity, and experience.



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