Saturday, November 3, 2007

Errandis's Journal - 2007-11-02

Errandis's Journal - 2007-11-02 Cast of Characters:
Duke Aston of Ekhans - Rebel Duke who sided with Earl Gavin Magnus of Dekamura -- The Rook.
Lady Justina - Mistress of Duke Aston and daughter of one of his Knights -- The Pawn.

Duchy of Ekhans, capital.
Bandit Camp, outside capital.

Errandis's Journal:
We raced to the safehouse where the Lady Justina and her Guardian was keeping her.
Ismael caught up to us and explained that the Duke's Armsmen had stormed our rooms and found us gone.

We arrive at the safehouse and using an Perfect Illusion and Illusion Disguise deceive the Bodyguard/Spy and capture him and rescue a confused Lady Justina. I quickly cast a Scryguard on her and then we discuss hideout.

The Holy Wood seems ideal, but is too far away and its location is fading from my mind. Sending her to Countess Lavalee would split our force and weaken our position. Finally we decide on occupying an Bandit Camp outside of the city. I then open a Gate and we travel to our new base of operations.

Kraypike takes it upon himself to calm the Lady Justina's fears and explain the situation. Meanwhile I begin preparing the Magical Defenses for our own hideaway. Upon completing them I prepare a covered bed grown from a tree with Shape Plant and then properly introduce myself to the Lady and reassure her of our intentions.

I confer with the Companions about the Poison and learn that the effects are revers able, but such a long exposure make cause long term damage. I request their aid creating an Essential Garden and grow the Herbs, Fruits, and Vegetables needed for her recovery and then prepare a Ritual Cure Poison. The Restore is a critical success and the long term damage will heal. A Major Healing followed by a Peaceful Rest and Bless lays the path for her full recovery. The night was filled with the songs of my people.

During the night there were several attempts to penetrate my Scrye Wall, Pentagram, and Scrye Guard, but they were unsuccessful in penetrating them all and I recast and reinforced them all.

As she slept we made our plans and Kraypike prepared the evening meal. Several ideas were presented, some not so helpful, but finally I made my decision. In the morning I awakened the Lady Justina and examined her condition. She reported she felt much better. I explained that we wished to return her safely to Duke Aston, but needed some help from her and to continue to monitor her recovery. I asked that she write a letter to the Duke telling him everything. I also wrote a letter explaining our actions and out need to make arrangements.

That is when the Bandits arrived. I turned to the Companions and asked them to handle it while I say the letters delivered to the Duke. Then Teleported to the city.

Meanwhile the Companions walked out of the Mystic Myst and confronted the Bandits. Rene took the lead and in his unusual style convinced them to make camp peacefully, lay down their weapons, and be our guests for the next couple of days. The Bandit Leader recognized Dain and then realized who we are. He called us the "Kingmakers", our Reputation it seems has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years.

In town I hired a townsman to deliver the Letters to the Duke. Then I cast Possession, Perfect Illusion, and Illusion Disguise on him/me and now an Imperial Courier arrived at the Castle Gate tried to deliver his letters to the Duke. When the Soldiers arrested him he simply smiled and tossed off an amused rejoinder and canceled the spells. Leaving a confused townsman and soldiers.

When I returned I was surprised to find the Bandits alive and had made camp. One of them pointed me out to his band. "See there lads its him Sir Errandis the Kingmaker." Once more taken aback I watched with growing surmise and amusement as Dain and Kraypike socialized wih the Bandits and found Fingolfin had finished the Lady Justina's new hunting cloths. Artesian and Ismael kept an eye on her and Rene made several passes at her.

Kraypike recognized my consternation and offered a solution suited my skills better than a direct confrontation. Using my Bard and Satyr skills I quickly turned the Lady Justina's romantic attentions away from Rene. He also suggested I communicate through the Lady Justina's Mother as their residence is less well guarded.

I again asked the Lady Justina to write a letter and I also wrote one and using Teleport Other sent them on their way. They arrived with a musical refrain. The days past and the Lady Justina's health improved. Finally it was time to move foreword.

The Lady Justina and I Teleported to the City and then I cast a Ritual Teleport into the Castle Courtyard. Upon arrival and using Great Voice I heralded our arrival. Soldiers, Knights, and eventually Wizards pored out into the courtyard and only my calm, the Lady Justina's presence and my reputation stopped them from coming closer. That and the absence of my Companions (The Kingmakers).

At last the Seneschal arrived and we negotiated for a meeting between the Duke and myself. Some time passes and the courtyard emptied out. Soldiers and Wizards watched from Arrow Slits. I engaged the Lady Justina in pleasant conversation and we awaited the Duke's pleasure. Her arrived a short time later with his Personal Guard and we introduced ourselves formally. Then the Lady Justina flew like an arrow into Duke Aston's embrace. I waited patiently and happily for them to finish.

Finally his Grace requested a private conversation with Lady Justina and I nodded politely. A screen was brought forth and they engaged in more emotional and romantic reunion. His Grace questioned the Lady Justina and he answered. Finally they returned and I bowed acknowledgement.

Sir Errandis, you are a Wizard and have a reputation for subtly. Would you agree to be questioned with the Truth-Sayer spell? I agreed, but insisted the Wizard speak the spell clearly before agreeing to lower my defenses. The Duke signalled his Court Wizard foreword and I admired sense of classical style Robes, Hat, and Staff. We exchanged greetings and compliments and then got down to business.

Under the spell I told our story from begining to end and then signalled that the spell remain during our Diplomatic Negotiations. The Duke stated his position and I explained the Emperor's. I offered to speak on his behalf and use what political capital I had earned to represent him with the Empire. Finally he agreed join with the Empire. He gave me a Writ of Passage throughout the Duchy of Ekhans we said good bye. Before I left be offered me a compliment. "You and your Companions are truly the Kingmakers".

I leaped into the air like a thunderbolt, disappearing into the clouds in a flash, and vanished. (Hawk Flight, Flash, and Teleport). Reappearing back at the Bandit Camp I fill the Companions in on what happened and that I would now be travelling to fight in the political arena in Megalos. They should rejoin Baron Imric and aid in the sacking of Dekamura.

Meanwhile in Megalos, I deliver reports to the Ministry of Security with an added note of aid we received from the Ekhan's Thieves Guild. Then it was off to the Imperial Court. Once there I used the full arsenal of my resources to win Immunity for Duke Ekhan's part in the Rebellion. It took many days, but ultimately they agreed. I delivered the Imperial Pardon to the Duke almost immediately.

Over the next few weeks things started to happen. The Duke of Ekhan's forced with Earl Gavin Magnus of Dekamura split from the Earl's forces and linked up with the forces of the Archdiocese of Serrun. Then Imperial and Cadriel Fleets besieged the Earls capital of Dekamura.

The Companions (Kingmakers) joined forces with Baron Imric and defeated the Harbour Defenses underwater. Then began the sack of Dekamura.

Meanwhile the Earl's Forces were cut off, Dekamura had fallen, and his supply lines cut off. He faced the Imperial Forces to the North and the Archdiocese of Serrun and the Duchy of Ekhans to the South. His Forces were hammered and it remains fled into the hills at the edge of the Emperor's Forest. The Earl was spirited away (Teleported), Stripped of his power, position, and wealth he is no longer a threat.

The last of the rebel leaders, Duke Bran of Craine is alone. The Emperor Militidies of Megalos commands all of Eastern Megalos, North and South. The Nobles who declared neutrality could now declare for the Emperor. The Civil War is nearing its end.



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