Saturday, November 3, 2007

Errandis's Journal - 2007-07-19

Errandis's Journal - 2007-07-19

Cast of Characters:
Ismael (Jonathon) - A male Human Rogue, Warrior, & Wizard.
Dain (Brian) - A male Dwarf Warrior.
Artesian (Chona) - A female mountain Elf Wizard.
Kraypike (Darryl) - A male Goblin Wizard.
Rene (Glenn) - A male Human Warrior.
Fingolfin (Rufus) - A male Wood Elf Wizard.
Errandis (Eddie) - A male Wood Elf Warrior and Wizard. Knight Bachelour of Lavalee.

Castle of Baron Insanus, Duchy of Serrun.

The Story Continues... REAP THE WHIRLWIND!!!:
Hurricane winds and rain overwhelm any attempts at communication, but years of experience allow the Companions to leap into action. Spells are cast, Potions imbibed, and a battle plan formed. I open a Gate, the winds cut across it like a flute before I cast Weather Dome on the other side. The Gate opens within four meters of the Stone Buildings in Count Sergius of Shambray's camp.

Ismael steps through bearing the Staff of Earth in one hand and a black steel Scimitar in the other. On reaching the wall,he waits for Fingolfin to opened a hole in the wood outer layer, then struck the stone wall with the staff and cast Shape Stone. Kraypike created a hole in the wall and we pored through the breach attacking a surprised group of Legionaries facing a door at the other end of the room..

I struck first, wooden sword striking from a Legionarie's head and casting a spell. Then Dain crashed his Axe into a stunned Legionaire Ismael struck one guard from behind with Spellbreaker, wounding him. Rene jumped through and threw both of his knives blindly across the room and poked a guy in the eye (he crumpled and died), then tumbled across the floor and skewered another guy's innards from beneath (who then crumpled and died a few seconds later). Fingolfin opened with an effective fireball, Flaming Sword hissing and crackling in the air. Arteasian fired arrows into the narrow confines of the room while cloaked in thick fog.

This is when we learned we faced the elite of the Count of Shambray's Legionaires and they dealt wounds to us as well.

I activeted my Delayed Great Haste and Teleported Other my opponents shield away. Ismael dropped the Staff of Earth and concentrated on a spell and managing to maintain concentration despite things getting a bit dicey when two legionnaires charged him, but through sheer physical presence (Dumb Luck) managed to get them to fall by the wayside without encumbering my thoughts. Dain's mighty axe struck blows that either killed men or ruined equipment. Rene's Sword work left his opponents confused and frustrated. Many paid for there mistakes. Arteasian and Fingolfin both now using swords with quiet fury left Legionaire wondering who exactly was the most dangerous of our band. Then Kraypike's mighty Halberd thrust through the melee and claimed an enemy. And again I clubbed another foe in the head. Doing more with wooden sword than spell.

Unfortunately for theses Elite Legionaires we were more than their match.

Again I struck for my foes helm, but was unsuccessful, then Dain's foes lost his sword. Ismael remained on the defense and successfully maintained his concentration. Rene taught the Legionaires a few lessons is Araterren Fencing, but few would live to put those lessons to use and his Knives continued to bedevil the Legionaires fighting on their own. Dain's axe claimed another victum. Fingolfin's fighting with fury rather than finese still managed to take his toll. Arteasian took advantage of an oppenents preocupation and her sabre opened his throat. Kraypike Halberd swund to the attack again surprising his foe and impailing him. Surprisingly he remained standing despite having been spiked through and through and also taken a nasty backhand from Artesian's saber. Dain admires the guy's toughness and wants to heal him. The Lighting Blade freed the pick for him. And I made life difficult for another opponent.
The Legionaire numbers were slowly shrinking, but not fast enough.
Reinforcements arrived, Wizards of the Count of Shambray's Wizard Corps. Seeing their arrival I Teleported into their midst and struck a blow from behind, but my foe was Blessed by his tree hung god and turned my blade. Rene's Knives lept to the attack again only this time targeting the Wizards, much to their chargrin. Dain admiring the toughness of the mortally wounded Legionaire chose another victum. Fingolfin and Arteasian contined there furious assault. I struck down another wizard on teh stairs almost taking his head off.

I continued to Teleport and attack the Wizards on the stairs forcing them to defend themselves and preventing them from casting spells at us. Dain's axe sailed through the air taking the life of Legion Wizard before returning to his hands.

Then Ismael made his presence felt. A Mass Sleep spell cast on the remaining Legionaires caught 12 of them in its radius. Then Artesian used her Dispel Magic Ring on the Wizards on the stairs.

The Good:

The Bad:

The Ugly:



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