As evening approaches the Kingmakers enjoy a good meal and begin to practice their various skills.
Rene asks them to throw things at him so he can practice his Precognitive Parry. Arteasian agrees and practices her Archery on Rene with blunted arrows, while Kraypike throws rocks. Dain tend his arms and armour and Imric studies his spells and Ismael joins Cheops in prayer.
As the sun sets and twilight falls Ismael alone is warned by his Ring of impending danger. Casting Keen Eyes he sees shadows take shape about 15 meters from the camp and crossbow raised and fired.
Ismael's enchanted item deflect the missiles. Rene's Precognitive Parry suddenly works and his rapier and main-gauche intercept the incoming bolts. Dain is pierced three times to the fletchings. Cheops warned by Ismael, had cast Body of Stone, and their bolts shattered on his rocky form still kneeling in prayer body. Imric's bolts reflect back upon his attackers. Arteasian's enchantments deflect the bolts harmlessly away. While Kraypike reeled from the impact of multiple bolts.
Then shouting their holy way cries they charged forward with sword and shield. Revealing two dozen Kharijites Ghazis (Knights) attaking them through the twighlight. Leaving those relying on nightvision as in the dark as anybody else.
The Kharijites charged forword, giving the Kingmakers time to recover from suprise and stun and ready a few spells and their weapons before engaging mujahedeen.
Cheops cast Body of Stone and them Steel Wraith. When the lone Kharijite attacked him he rose up from the ground and smashed through the Ghazis shield and armour, knocking him offf his feet and unconcious onto the ground.
Seeing Ismael introuble he leaped forward and ripped out the throat fot first on and them the other of Ismael's attackers.
Lastly her cast Stone Missile and charged it for three seconds before unleashing it upon the last Kharijite attacking Arteasian. Crushing his skull and snapping his head to the side.
As the last Kharijite falls the Kingmakers check the fallen and discover they wounded dead. they swallowed poison rather than accept capture, but fortumely Ismael managed to capture three in his Mass Daze spell. Dain killed one in a vengeful, blood thristy rage, and left the last two for Imric to interrogate.
Imric resorted to mundane methods of interrogation and torture before resorting to mage. Only one of them broke under mundane torture. The Kharijites are Ghazis (Knights) from the Citadel of Quazr As-Sawh on the Megalosian Frontier. They had recieved orders from the Atabeg Sorab ibn- Haroun.
The Atabeg is a ancient and powerful Sorcerer who was targeted by Imric many years ago. The attack seems to be revenge motivated. The Kingmakers kill the last two Kharijites and bury their remains. Leaving no trace.
Kraypike makes preparations and takes to the sky in search of the two Sorcerers (Wizards) who aided the Kharijites, but of them he can find no trace.
They set a more vigilant watch settle in for the night. Only Cheops got any sleep that night. In the morning a tired group eats a cold breakfast and readies for travel.
One the road they pass a Muslim Noblewoman and her armed retinue pass by. They bear the banners of the Caliph of Al-Wazif. The noblewoman may be a relative or a concubine.
Later on they pass a group of sufi dervishes twirling and dancing to drums and flutes on the road to the Pillars of Heaven. Ismael offeres them a gold coin for each and seeks their blessings.
The Kingmakers passed a Slave Caravan on its way to the Djinn Lands. It consisted of 200 Slaves, 50 Guards, 6 Wagons, and a Minotaur eunuch.
They see signs of the Goblin Merchant caravan later that evening as they pass through a village. Finally they arrive at the Pillars of Heaven and Ismael reaquints himself with the sufis. Their are many Scholars, Healers, and Entertainers gathered around various Sufis. Like small colleges these wisemen hold classes and court.
A small bizzar has appeared near the Pillars and Dain finds an interesting suit of armour in one merchants tent. when he tries to buy it the Merchant tells him he cannot sell it to an infidel. It is for the chosen one. When he enlists Ismael's help they still get no success. Frustrated Dain and Ismael leave the merchant to his shop.
Ismael is approached by an old man, telling him he has a message from Allah for him. At first Ismael doubts him as Muhammad was the last messenger of Allah, but somehow the old man convinces him to listen. Their are Michealites hunting a female Centaur and male elf in the Great Forest in the foothills of the Fence of Gods Mountains. The silvan carry a white book, a flute, and a feather taken from the corpse of an angel. Ismael entertains the idea of locating these fugitives to ask them about
Imric contacts Errandis to warn him of a Kharjities attack and learns that he has a message from Dain's people for Ismael. They have found his sword, or rather the shards of the sword he called Mornblade. They have been given to Elendil to hold for Ismael.
Do you want Elendil to deliver them to you on the road?
They spend the night in the Pillars of Heaven and in the morning travel onwards to Caithness on the southern road to the Djinn Lands.
*Awarded: 3cp*
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