As dawn breaks, the roosters cry heralds the dawn, and the sun lights the mighty towers of Castle Lorian.
Lord Imric awakens to the muted sounds of the castle bustling with activity in the morning and smiles. One more night until he leaves Baron Lorian behind and Imric leaves to pursue another adventure.
Not that things have been boring. That unfortunate business with the Angels still causes him some annoyance. His new Stewart is as prepared as he will ever be. His servants bring him breakfast and he begins the days work for the last time.
In the guest quarters Baron Kraypike is awakened and served by the Castle's servants. He moves with unaccustomed ease and smiles. It seems while learning new spells he forgot many meals. His cloths and armor have been taken in and adjusted. Dain's superior work on his armor has greatly improved his ability to move.
Dain awakens next to a servant girl and smiles. His stomach announces his hunger and he grabs the remains of last nights diner from a tray. These last few months in Lorien have been relaxing, but he is ready to leave on their journey.
Arteasian awakens in the Castle Gardens. Imric's gardener has done a fantastic job of blending cultivated plants into a natural setting. The fountain and birds add a peacefulness of the forest to the surroundings. Servants arrive and assist her and provide breakfast.
Ismael arrives later that morning with three wagons, his page/apprentice Joseph, and a Reptile Man. He has made preparations for the journey and acquired goods to sell in the Djinn Lands. He somehow also acquired a Djinn Passport. There are only two Merchant Houses allowed to do business in the Djinn Lands and somehow he managed to get one. The passport is for Kellogg, Bruin, and Racine Merchant House. Of which he is currently Master of. He leaves his new wife behind to administer his lands.
They all meet for lunch and Ismael introduces the Reptile Man as Cheops ("see-offs"), their guide for the Djinn Lands. He is a Muslim and they met while Ismael was on the Hajj. He answers questions put to him, but seem too shy to offer any of his own.
Kraypike, seeing the wagons realizes he can have one of his own and sends out Imric's Servants to acquire one with the supplies he would need for the journey.
Arteasian decides to purchase Horses for them and leaves off to do so. Fortunatally Lorian is renowned for its Horses and she soon acquires the mounts she needs.
Imric's Stewart has prepared a banquette in honor of there leaving and a merry celebration it is.
In the morning everyone assembles and they prepare to leave. Waiting for them is an Honor Guard of four Knights who will escort them to the borders of Lorian. The roads are empty this time of year and they make good time. They are approached by peasants occasionally selling goods along the roads.
No one recognizes Lord Imric as he is now disguised as Cirmi, a human scout. Their escort leaves them at the border with a salute and there small caravan trundles onward.
After a few days on the caravan trail they are met by a group of fifty horseman. Their leader demands a toll to pass on the road. His price is agreeable and Cirmi rides back to Ismael and requests the funds to pay them. Their leader gives them a white silken banner with a red slash through it as a pass and they wheel away and ride off.
They are met later that evening by a Cavalry Trooper of Hazi Lancers. They demand to know the Companions business and Ismael talks to them. The Captain points out that the banner they are displaying belongs to a Bandit Troop of some 200 Raiders. It is a mark used to identify their targets. They thank the Captain for his courtesy and take the banner down. The Troop then rides off.
The Companions exchange looks and vote on weather they want to continue displaying the banner and ambush the Bandits. Cirmi decides against it and they travel on to an Oasis.
The Oasis lies in a crescent shaped bowl which is actually a small valley with a lake in the middle. Water flows from the rock face of the cliff and fig trees line the main path leading to it. There are many groups and Caravans arounf the Oasis, Goblin Merchants and their Reptile Man Guards, a Centaur Tribe, two Hazi Nomad Tribes, and a few others.
Cheops, Joseph, Ismael set up a camp and prepare the Yurt. Kraypike heads out to talk to the Goblin Merchants, Arteasian to the Centaurs, and Cirmi disappears into the Yurt and then Teleports back to his Castle.
Kraypike eventually meets with the Goblin Merchants and they exchange pleantries. When he learns they are travelling to the same place hw asks if we could join with them. While they have no problem travelling with them they cannot protect them if they are attacked.
Arteasian tries to meet with the Centaur's Healer, but is rebuffed by a Guardian.
Dain explores the water flowing from the rock face and then is drawn to the Centaur encampment by the sound of smithy work. He too is intercepted by a Guardian and rebuffed.
Mean while in Lorian <<
Ismael recieved an invitation for he and his companions to join Shiekh's tents for a meal and entertainment. They all agree, save Cheops who remains to guard the encampment. There is music, dance, acrobatics, and displays of martial prowess. Rene and Ismael enjoy a smoke from the hooka. Dain was unsuccessful in woowing away one of the suhudese acrobats.
They return to their encampment see Cheops walking patrol and to find it guarded by several Reptile Man, but upon close inspection discover they are statues created by Cheops. They night passes uneventfully and in the moring they pack up and move out. Of Cirmi there is now sign.
Realizing their mistake, Arteasian contacts Imric and informs him they have moved on. He uses a spell to look through her eyes and teleports to their location. He approaches the caravan subtly and rejoins them.
On the road they trail the Goblin Mechants all the way to Gebel-Thamad, the border city between Al-Haz and Al-Wazif. Once there they rest and once again Cheops prepares the encampment and sets up his sentries.
The Companions spread out across the city.
Rene heads to the Casbah, where he looks for a likely victim and spots a wealthy noble with two bodyguards moving from stall to stall collecting protection money from the merchants. He employs a local street urchin into his plan and managed to come away with a purse worth over 11, 000 copper. He then buys some Hashish for a local merchant.
Arteasian goes shopping. Looking for presents for the Companions and curiosities. She finds a merchant selling Amulets, three of which she identifies as magical. She buys them and a Hookah for Rene.
Dain continues his quest into metal working and finds a human working is Damascus Steel cutlery. He closely observes the Craftsman at work and buys a few items to experiment with.
Kraypike runs afoul of a group of Ciathnessian Mercenaries who mistake him for an Orc. Kraypike manages to convince them he is not an Orc, but a Goblin and a Hero of the Battle of Redhall. Their leader start to realize the truth when the Caliph's Guards arrive to break up the confrontation. He managed to kiss the Merc before they are separated and sent on their separate ways.
Arteasian asks Imric to Identify the spells on the Amulets and makes a startling discovery. One amulet, a dream catcher is blessed by Isu/Jesus and grants protection from disease and nightmares. The second amulet protects against water, and the third protects against Pain.
They spend the night and in the morning join the Goblin Merchant's caravan and head west.
Kraypike has to be sent away from the group to play with his Lightning Bolt spells and gets bitten by his horse and he Lightning Bolts the horse in return. which angers Arteasian when she hears about it and takes the horse away from Kraypike. Leaving him to the wagon.
They are stopped by a Cavalry Troop who asks questions about the Lightning Bolts coming from their Caravan. Kraypike steps foreword and after an explanation they ride off. Unfortunately the Goblin Caravan is out pacing them and they are slowly being left behind.
Then Kraypike stops to experiment with his Lightning Bolt under water and is joined by Imric experimenting with a Sound Jet under water. Dain is dragooned as a test subject and is shocked. When they leave the lake they find Cheops and the others setting up camp.
The Reptile Man is quiet and reserved. He never asks questions, but answers them when asked. A man of few words. He is a devote Muslim who seems to talk to Angels when alone.
As the sun sets and the Companions settle in they hear the lonely cry of the desert coyote in the night.
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