Cast of Characters
Ismael - Knight of the Hearth, Sworn to Baron Imric of Lorien.
Dain - Master Armourer and Merchant Charter of Trade with Dwarves of Grinnel.
Rene - Cavalier of Princess Acuria's Court.
Kraypike - Baron of Bog and Master of the Battle Wizards Guild.
Fingolfin - Master Craftsman and Imperial Writ of Introduction.
Imric - Baron of Lorien, Grand Master of the Knights of the Hearth.
Arteasian - Recieved Favours from those we Aided.
Errandis - Knight Errant of Lavalee and Political Mover and Shaker.
Reaping of Rewards:
Where to begin... The Companions (aka Kingmakers) covered themselves with glory in the siege of Dekamura. They broke the Harbour Chain and cleared the path for the landing of the Megalosian and Cardian Fleets. The Imperial and Cardian Wizard Corps overwhelmed the Dekamuran Wizards and the Fleets sailed into the docks and began off loading troops with few losses.
Aboard Cardielan Flagg Ship Lord Imric of Lorian stood in the bow, defying the enemy attacks and then teleported to the harbour siege engines, destroying them and scattering their crews.
Master Dain Ironhand lept from the bow of the ship as it reached the docks and charged the barricades and scattered the defending Dekamurans before the Cardian Marines could catch up.
Master Rene kept pace with the Dwarf and used the openings he created to attack Dekamaran Commanders and Sergeants. His opponents died without a mark on them save a pieced eye spent the battle staring up at the sky.
Master Fingoflin's flamming sword guarded Dain's and Rene's backs and left his opponents smoking on the ground.
Mistress Arteasian's spells and arrows lanced into targets of opportunity and protected Dain's right flank.
Master Kraypike's Halberd's crackled with lightning and warded Dain's left flank. Many of his opponents were left shocked by his speed and skill. Not to mention the timely intervention from the occassional Elemental.
They left the Cardielan Marines little to do save security and clean up.
Afterwords several of the Companions took the opportunity to loot where they could.
The Battle for Dekamura was over.
A few days after the siege Sir Errandis arrived and discharged a vow upon an unlucky horse trader who crossed him years ago and then rejoined his friends.
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