Saturday, May 26, 2007

Errandis's Journal: 2007-05-25

Errandis's Journal: 2007-05-25

Cast of Characters:

Ismael (Jonathon) - A male Human Rogue, Warrior, & Wizard.
Dain (Brian) - A male Dwarf Warrior.
Artesian (Chona) - A female mountain Elf Wizard.
Kraypike (Darryl) - A male Goblin Wizard.
Rene (Glenn) - A male Human Warrior.
Fingolfin (Rufus) - A male Wood Elf Wizard.
Errandis (Eddie) - A male Wood Elf Warrior and Wizard. Knight Bachelour of Lavalee.

Supporting Cast:
Joseph (NPC) - A male Human Rogue. Adopted/Apprenticed to Ismail.
Eryke Goldfarb (NPC) - A male Half-Elf Rogue Wizard. Jewish Wanderer. Pledged to our cause.
Master Herbert (NPC) - A male Human Warrior. Son of a Landed Knight held Hostage. (Wisdom +5 spell maintained by Sir Errandis)

Centurion Lemitamis (NPC) - A male Human Warrior. The third youngest son of a local Baron? Commander of 40 Legionaires (Elite Troopers), 4 Wizards, and numberous slave labourers.
Baron Maximus (Mad Max) Insanius (NPC) - A male Human Warrior. Besieged by Count of Shambray.
Sir Hendrix (NPC) - A male Human Warrior. Knight Commander of the Fortress and Serrun Forces. The old man with a strong sense of local stratgy.
Master Maxwell of the Silver Hammer (NPC) - A male Human Wizard. Warlock to Archbishop of Serrun.

Game Master:
Rufus - Full Force GM
Darryl - Offered information on Eric Goldfarb.
Eddie -

Hallowed Wood - South of Serrun.
River Bridge - South of Serrun.
City of Serrun - Occupied by Rebel Garrison Forces
Harlech Fortress - Besieged by Count Sergius of Shabray

A Bridge Too Far... Or Too Short? ;)
I gleemed some more information from Eryke Goldfarb. It's become a matter of public opinion that Earl Magnus of Dekamura has undergone some personality changes. There were also rumors of a Healer who's description reminds me of the "Mad Monk". Magnus's bad habits have all but disappeared. Perhaps someone cast Cure Insanity on him, to removing his most crippling personality problems?

Meanwhile reconnaissance of the Legionaries nearing construction provided me with some excellent intelligence on them. As I watched their Centurion walk away from his men I saw an opportunity and cast Communicate with the Companions and told them to expect the Legion Centurion.

When the Legion Commander was walking alone I cast Invisibility, Teleported beside him, and Teleported him back to our base of operations in the Hallowed Wood. Where upon Kraypike and the others waiting tried to beat him unconscious.

I arrived in time and shouted, "Put up you weapons!" in a voice ringing with command. The Companions stepped back and waited. Finally I got everyone to put away their weapons and then offered the Centurion some wine and a proper introduction. I accepting his parole of coarse.
At first I tired to get the Centurion Lemitamis to change his allegiance, but quickly realized this intelligent and witty young man was loyal to his Baron. I then attempted to get him to surrender his forces and leave the field with his honour and men's lives intact. The also did not work.
So I simply enjoyed exchanging stories of past battles and future dreams. He let slip a few things and eventually gave me enough to that I could impersonate him if need be. I left him to relax under Master Herbert's guard and told the Companions what I had learned.

We discussed several strategies and tactics before finally settling on a plan of action.

Ismael acquired the Bull and we moved into position. I cast Bless, Shapeshift Other (Great Eagle), Invisibility, and See Invisibility on Ismael and the Bull. Ismael cast Apportation on the Bull/Eagle and then Shapeshift (Raven) and flew over the target. We watched from a safe distance.

Once over the target Ismael transformed back to human form Apportated himself, readied his staff, and signaled he was ready. I cancelled the Shapeshift Other and the Bull/Eagle transformed back into a Bull. Ismael cast Flesh to Stone and the Bull fell towards the bridge.

Halfway down I cancelled the Invisibility and cast Great Voice to carry to the Legionaries at the bridge. Mimicking the Centurion's voice
"Look! Up in The Sky! It's a Bird! It's a Bull!... No! It's a Stone Bull!"

Ismael guided the Stone Bull to it's target and then disappeared. It stuck the bridge with terrific force and passed right through it, hitting the water and vanishing into the depths. The stunned Legionaries watched as the bridge slowly, majestically collapsed into the river and vanished from sight. At this point it was easy to recognize the difference between the Engineers and the Elite Troopers. One engineer fell to the ground in helpless gales of laughter, much to Kraypike's a satisfaction. [Bloody Goblins and their sense of humor.]

The Centurion looked awestruck and upset all at the same time. He turned to me and said, "I guess this means we have to return to the Baron after all Sir Errandis, we definitely do not have the materials to build another bridge". After checking with Imperial Intelligence we exchanged salutes and went our separate ways.

Ismael and Kraypike later rescued the Bull from the river bottom, restored him to his natural state, and sold him back to the herdsman.

I asked the Companions to return to our base in the Hallowed Wood and then travelled to Serrun. The City had fallen to Rebel forces and was occupied by Garrison Troops. Travelling further I arrived at a Harlech style Castle by the sea. Besieging troops were based at the bottom of the hill, far out of range of seige weapons, and magic.

I landed out of bow shot and walked to the Castle Gates, under the watch full eyes and weapons of the Defenders, and announced myself. I quickly advanced up the chain of command until I found myself in the presence of the Lord of the Castle, Baron Maximus (Mad Max) Insanius.

I reported on the our activities to the south and the current state of affairs in the Civil War and Lord Maximus gave me news of local events and asked for the purpose of my visit. I tired to explain if in the ancient style of Tamlin, but he did not understand so I resorted to a more mundane style.

He in turn had some interesting news for me. Apparently a mercenary group known as the Francescan's were hired by Earl Magnus of Dekamura to emulate what we were doing in his rear area. They are known for using their Francesca Axes to great effect. They were recently employed by the Legions to augment their forces guarding the Emperor's Wall.

In essence I informed him WE required the Port of Serrun. The Companions would raise the siege if the Baron would commit force to recapturing and garrisoning the Port. I then requested a large room for myself and the Companions a place to Teleport them here. The Baron agreed.
I cast Communicate and notified The Companions to be ready to move out in two hours. Then I prepared to cast a Ritual Gate to bring them all here and a Darkness to hide the method of their arrival. The Ritual turned out to be unnecessary. The must Mana flow.

The Companions arrived in the darkness area and moved beyond it. Then we all retied to our new accommodations, prepared our defenses and counter-espionage spells. Then informed them of our new operation and we discussed more strategies and tactics. It was agreed that to life the siege we need to cripple the besieging forces Wizards and break the siege.

I arranged a meeting with Baron Maximus's Commanders. Sir Hendrix and Master Maxwell of the Silver Hammer. Both a veterans and skilled at their trade. We offered them our intelligence first and then asked after the besieging Wizards. There are members of the Count Segrius of Shambray's personal guard among them.

Finally I cast Communicate for Imric and informed him of our activities, plans, and requests an update from his end. He says confidently that he can secure Port Serrun with little difficulty, but I still wish to coordinate our efforts with the breaking of the siege.

Plans with in plans...

The Good:
Foiled the GM's ambush. Experience Points Awarded: 3.5 (+ 0.5 to Errandis for foiling the GM's ambush.) Moved on to Political and Strategic Operations.

The Bad:
The Puns, my gods the puns...

The Ugly:
Several tangents interupting GM describing scenes and events.




Unknown said...

We learned of the Franciscans from the captured centurian, before destroying the bridge, not later conferring with Maximilian, etc.

TheQuestionMan said...

I disagree.