Friday, May 11, 2007

Errandis's Journal: 2007-05-11

Cast of Characters:
Ismael (Jonathon) - A male Human Rogue, Warrior, & Wizard.
Dain (Brian) - A male Dwarf Warrior.
Artesian (Chona) - A female mountain Elf Wizard.
Kraypike (Darryl) - A male Goblin Wizard.
Rene (Glenn) - A male Human Warrior.
Fingolfin (Rufus) - A male Wood Elf Wizard.
Errandis (Eddie) - A male Wood Elf Warrior and Wizard. Knight Bachelour of Lavalee. Eric

Joseph (NPC) - A male Human Rogue. Adopted/Apprenticed to Ismail.
Goldfarb (NPC) - A male Half-Elf Rogue Wizard. Jewish Wanderer. Pledged to our cause.
Master Herbert (NPC) - A male Human Warrior. Son of a Landed Knight held Hostage.
Sir ??? (NPC) - A male Human Warrior. Lord of the Keep. Landed Knight loyal to Rebellion.
Father William (NPC) - a male Human Priest.
Old Man (NPC) - a male Human Peasant. Driven mad by his long incarceration.

Game Master:
Rufus - Sick
Darryl - GM'ed Eric Goldfarb introduction to Ismail
Eddie - Waiting for Rene (Glenn) to use Great Wish?

The Story Continues...

Ismail put the Priest, Father William to sleep and went off to find the Grainery, the Hostages, and Lord of the Keep. Which he accomplished with ease disguised as Father William. He accosted the Lord, telling him about the Holy Spud brought to him by a peasant and offered to try to encourage his hostages to see the light and join him.

Ismail -"What was his name again Mi Lord"

The Lord allowed him to attempt it. Ismail proceeded to the dungeon and found Master Herbert and a Merchant working for Kellogg Bruin & Racine. While he gathered information from them he heard a noise. The sound of several pairs of boots and clatter of weapons coming down the stairs. He quickly sought an exit and dove down the waste chute. An Oubliette filled with human remains, a dirt floor, and cut stone walls.

The Soldiers searched the cells, interrogated the prisoners, and investigated the chute. They saw Ismail's light and fired their crossbows (Which were deflected of coarse.) He then returned to the Hallowed Wood and the Companions.

Meanwhile the Companions discussed their assault. Ismail was introduced to Eric Glodfarb and learned about his travels with Jesus and HIS message to mankind.

The assault was over planned, but finally we agreed to one plan. Ismail returned to the Keep to scout and discovered a metal grating molded into the stone floor over the waste chute, the hostages, save the Old Man had been moved and later found them in the inner Keep.

After placing 2 Guards under Sleep Spell, Wall Walking over the walls, and discovering a Teleport Shield over the Keep. He returned the way he had come and returned to the Companions and told them what he had found.

Ismail communicated with Errandis and they Teleported to the Tunnel he had started. Ismail used the Staff of Earth and tunneled to the Keep using power given by Arteasian and Errandis. Then they signaled the Companions and they entered the Keep.

Kraypike borrowed a Powerstone from Errandis and Create a powerful Air Elemental to stir up the Grain in the Grain Tower, and then a Fire Elemental to ignite it. Errandis cast Flight and Invisibility on the Fire Elemental and we waited.

And waited...


The fight for the Keep was fast, furious, but ultimately a forgone conclusion. We captured the Lord Knight and gained his parole and would later turn over the Priest to the Archbishop of Serrun. Unfortunately the Wizard escaped. We freed the hostages.

Errandis sought out the Old Man and asked permission to help him. He recieved a confused answer which he took for yes and cast Cure Insanity. Then he gave him a purse of 2000 copper and an offer of a favour. The Old Man thanked him and after a brief interview went on his way.

Meanwhile Arteasian, Rene, and Dain sacked the Keep and destroyed the surviving supplies. Then Dain and Fingolfin entertained themselves by destroying the Gates and Curtain Walls.

Errandis and Ismail interviewed Master Herbert and learned the boy was none to bright. Errandis cast Wisdom (Critical Success) and continued to interview him. He is the son of a Landed Knight sworn to the Archbishop Nikolai of Serrun, but had been forced to side with Duke Aston Valentim of Ekhan with his son held hostage.

The Merchant was a victum of extenuating circumstances. Having lost an Arms Shipment for the Rebel Forces and imprisioned for it.

Errandis sent the paroled Landed Knight to Countess Lavalee to turn over to Count Joseph. He offered to maintain the Wisdom spell on Master Herbert in exchange for his aid. He eagerly joined them.

Ismail offered the KBR Merchant the Keeps arsenal to rebuild his buisness in exchange for information. He readily agreed.

As the Companions and their new friends walk away from the Keep in the early morning dawn. They look back to see a dark smudge of smoke rising from the ruins, the sun touching the shattered gates, and flying proundly from the highest point the Banner of Sir Errandis.

The Good:
Mission Accomplished and Awarded 3 xp.

The Bad:
Rufus was injured and Jonathon was sick.

The Ugly:



1 comment:

Unknown said...

It wasn't a waste chute in the Dungeon, it was the Oubliette.